full information-action cycle

The platform contains all functions needed for your information-action cycle. This starts with defining objectives and collecting relevant information. The collected data is automatically enriched with open source data such as satellite images and Linked Open Data sources to find meaningful clues, which are automatically translated into actionable information, such as alerts and actionable risk maps.


cluey data collector app

Cluey helps you to record wildlife sightings, human-wildlife conflicts, illegal activities, community work, and monitor the status of park assets such as water points, fences and roads.

Get up and running in minutes. It’s free, complete, robust, secure, and super easy to master.



Focus helps you to analyse data intuitively. Use free text search, time-slots, geo-boxes, and semantic content filters to access real-time observations and alerts, draw statistics, and gain instant insights.

No engineerings skill required, at all.



WildCAT is our toolkit to bring data science within reach of even the smallest park. WildCAT apps can be used by non-tech, non-statistical users. If you’ve got programming skills (e.g. R, Python, Jupyter Notebooks) you can also develop your own analytical apps.


Sensing Clues can-do data model

The Sensing Clues Platform is built on a high-secure multi-modal data model. With this data model we can process any data, no matter what source or format, and make it readily available for Focus, WildCAT (including R-Studio and Python), ArcGIS, and any other tool.


one more thing…

The Sensing Clues Platform is 100% sponsored by our technical Solution Partners. A subscription fee is applicable to support our running costs. Sensing Clues is formally registered in the Netherlands as non-profit (ANBI-status).

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